
1 ½ glasses ground wheat
2/5 glass rice
30 glasses water
3 glasses milk
3 glasses granulated sugar
50 gr. dried beans
50 gr. dried broad beans
50 gr. chick peas
100 gr. walnuts
100 gr. dried apricots
150 gr. sultanas
100 gr. figs
25 gr. pine nuts
25 gr. currants
100 gr. almonds
1/3 glass rose water
Preparation: Soak wheat and rice overnight in cold water. Pour out that water and add 30 glasses fresh water, cook over heat a little less than moderate for 6-7 hours until the wheat is tender. Pour through a strainer, press with a wooden spoon in order to strain. Stir this wheat essenced water thoroughly and measure it. There should be about 12 glasses, add to this wheat essenced water, sugar and milk, place on heat and stir until the sugar melts. Boil either once or twice until the mixture becomes the consistency of quite a thick soup. Soak the beans; dried broad beans and chick peas overnight in cold water. Boil them the next day and add to the mixture along with the cleaned and washed sultanas; currants; dried apricots cut into small pieces; white pine nuts; boiled almonds after removing their skins; chopped walnuts; and rose water. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat and pour immediately into various bowls. After completely cooling, decorate with almonds, walnuts and pomegranates. Serves 4.