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Radio Stations

Radio Stations

in North Cyprus you can choose from various radio stations to suit your tastes. Bayrak International (formerly BRT), was formed in 1963 and broadcasts on 87.8/105FM and is one of the favourites. It broadcasts local news and events, interviews people of interest, has a women’s hour, hosts debates and even plays some music too! The station also has news in Turkish, Greek and English, and even has an online broadcast that you can sign up to as well at Bayrak International.

Bayrak also has other stations such as Bayrak Classic on 93.4/88.4FM and Bayrak FM on 98.1/92.1FM. Another radio station Ada Radio broadcasts in Turkish, English and Russian on 93.8/ 96.2FM.

There are modern dance music stations such as Dance FM broadcasting on 95FM, and Kral on 107FM. Most of the major universities also have their own radio stations, such as the Eastern Mediterranean University’s radio station which you can tune into online at, or Near East University on 88FM which broadcasts a mix of Turkish and English pop, blues, jazz classics and country music.

However, satellite radio stations are also available through your television these days, and there are plenty of them to try. You can also listen to UK stations through your computer should you have a good connection, which is convenient if you’re working and fancy some Drive Time news and views! In addition you can also try the BBC World Service which is broadcast on 1340MW.

Below are some of the frequencies for local stations, or alternatively if you know your short waves from medium and long waves then take a look at this handy site for broadcasting frequencies and other stations –

Ada Radio 93.8MHz, 96.2MHz

Akdeniz FM 88.6 MHz

Bayrak International 87.8 MHz, 105 MHz, 1494 KHz, 6.150MHz

Bayrak FM 98.1 MHz, 92.1 MHz

Bayrak Classic 93.4MHz, 88.4MHz

BBC World Service 1.340MHz

Dance FM 95.0 MHz

Eastern Mediterranean University 106.5 MHz

First FM 90.0 MHz

Near East University FM 88.0 MHz

Radio 1 90.6 MHz

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