
Turkish Cypriot theatre and shadow puppetry have been very popular in North Cyprus for centuries as they were the only sources of entertainment for people prior to TV. Even when cinemas opened in towns and cities, it was still difficult for village folk to reach urban centers, so shadow plays continued to play a prominent role in cultural life.
Theatre has served as entertainment and an instructive medium and adopted an identity of their own both in subject matter and style. In particular, the Shadow Game (Karagöz) has long been a popular play in North Cyprus and has become an institution for Turkish Cypriots.
Local theatre evolved from traditional Turkish theatre then adopted Western theatre styles and techniques at the beginning of the 20th Century. Founded in 1963, the first Turkish Cypriot theatre was called ‘First Stage’ and later became known as the Turkish Cypriot State
Theatre in 1966. It has staged various plays both in TRNC and abroad. Today, local and foreign theatre groups also operate alongside the Turkish Cypriot State Theatre. Many local and foreign theatre groups add variety and liveliness to the cultural life of North Cyprus during theatre festivals.
There is the International Cyprus Theatre Festival for example, often held at one of the large university complexes, but which also stages one off shows in town squares or castles, offering up to a month’s worth of stage plays, puppet and dance theatre. Theatre companies from Türkiye, such as the famous Büyükşehir Belediyesi Şehir Tiyatrosu from Istanbul, come to perform as well as groups from Ankara, Russia and local Turkish Cypriot theatre companies.
There are several theatre companies based in North Cyprus, one of the main being Sidetreets in Lefkoşa. Popular private companies include Lefkoşa Belediye Tiyatrosu and Maras Emek Theatre, as well as a comedy theatre group called Kıbrıs Türk Komedi Tiyatrosu which is based in Famagusta. Some shows are silent, so there's no problem with language barriers, but even if the mother tongue isn't Turkish, lots of people attend plays just to see the exceptional standards of acting, and some of the stories are so old and well known it doesn’t take a genius to work out the storylines. Lefkoşa, Kyrenia and Famagusta are all host to an array of theatre activities. For foreign residents KADS, (Kyrenia Amateur Dramatics Society), puts on productions of well known English plays during the year at various locations in Kyrenia, and has even broadcast their productions on radio.